Total 10 Section B: If I have a possible shortcoming in team work, it could be that:Ģ0 _ I am not at ease unless meetings arwell conducted e well structured and controlled and generallyĢ1 _ I am inclined to be too generous towards otnot been given a proper airing. Section A: What I believe I can contribute to a team:ġ0 _ I think I can quickly see and take advantage of new opportunitiesġ1 _ I can work well with a very wide range of peopleġ2 _ Producing ideas is one of my natural assetsġ3 _ My ability rests in being able to drawsomething of value to contribute to group objectives people out whenever I detect they haveġ4 _ I can be relied upon to finish any task I undertakeġ5 _ My technical knowledge and experience is usually my major assetġ6 _ I am always ready to be blunt and outspoken happen in the cause of making the right thingsġ7 _ I can usually tell whether a plan or idea will fit a particular situationġ8 _ I can offer a reasoned and unbiased case or alternative courses of action = When you have completed all seven sections, transfer your points onto the score sheet and add up each column total. Allocate the most points to the most accurate descriptions. In extreme cases, they might be spread among all the sentences or all ten points may be given to a single sentence. These points might be distributed among several sentences. In each of the seven sections, you have ten points to distribute among the sentences which you think most accurately describe your behaviour. It should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete - spending longer will not improve the result. This questionnaire is about how you prefer to work in teams and what your distinctive contribution is.