There were constant appeals to buy upgrade packs, car parts, cars, you name it - if Asphalt 9 has a chance to go for the hard sell, rest assured that it will jump on that opportunity with headlong abandon. How bad is it? So bad that we were given the ?Starting Racer Pack,? which includes all kinds of goodies that, you?d think, would lessen some of the sting of paying to win - and yet, even with $20 worth of DLC included, it still felt like the game was trying to separate me from my money at every chance it got. It?s not a great racer, though, for one simple reason: it?s free-to-play in the very worst sense, by which I mean that it?s got microtransactions coming at you from every which way.

It looks fantastic, the cars handle well, and it?s got a decent variety as far as tracks go. There?s no question that Asphalt 9: Legends is a very good racer.